Book Circle at MYFest23

Emerge Book Circles is excited to partner with My Fest to support some of its attendees to read deeper in community with others, through its book circle model.

What is a book circle?

A book circle is an intersection of learning and community building — it’s collaborative and transformational learning rolled into one. It’s human connection through books.

Participating in a book circle allows participants to ​engage in ongoing generative conversations with peers; step back from the day to day to see the bigger picture, challenge their assumptions, re-envision how they work and live, learn with and from one another, create deeper human connections, and so much more.

The book acts as the platform and the subject-matter expert, and the facilitator as the bridge between consuming and creating, by way of connected learning. Unlike traditional learning and development structures, the goal is not to teach or deliver content, but to create space for wisdom to emerge from within the individuals and the group.

Image describing book circle process. Basically that there are two two-hour facilitator training workshops, four participant sessions, then one facilitator training session at the end. There is asynchronous work in between including reading and journaling. with partners and coaching.

If this sounds intriguing, there are two ways for you to participate:

OPTION 1: Book Circle Facilitation Training and Practice

This option is for those of you who would like to learn how to facilitate your own book circle. It includes 2 “training” sessions, followed by 4 practice sessions, and a final training/harvesting session. There are 7 sessions total.

OPTION 2: Book Circle Participant

This option is for those of you who would like to experience a book circle, without hosting one. You would participate in 4 sessions, where you explore the book of choice more deeply with the guidance of one of the facilitators-in-practice.

The FULL model is as follows: (see image above)

The dates are:

  • Facilitator Training: June 12th and June 19th
  • Book Circle Sessions: June 26th, July 3rd, July 10th, July 17th
  • Final Facilitator Training Session: July 31st

All sessions start at 3:00pm CET/4:00pm Cairo/2:00pm GMT/9:00am Eastern.

Who is Leading the Experience? Theresa Destrebecq

After spending over a decade in traditional education and educational leadership, and another decade coaching individuals, Theresa Destrebecq now combines the two to create, lead, and facilitate book-centered learning communities.

Her company, Emerge Book Circles, focuses on supporting organizations and individual leaders to move beyond consuming ideas. Instead, she supports them to read deeper, build stronger connections with themselves and others, and then create new ways of living, working, and leading from the ideas they first read. She believes we can all be theorists, but not all of us will be practitioners.

To join the Book circle as a facilitator or participant, please register for MYFest using the button below then fill the form for book circle.

Header Photo by Emil Widlund on Unsplash

2 thoughts on “Book Circle at MYFest23

  1. I would like to take part in the training sessions.
    Thanks for putting this together 🙂

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