Anne-Marie Scott

Co-facilitator, Co-organizer, Community-building and Community reflection, Critical Pedagogy & Social Justice, Open Education and Digital Literacies

I am Deputy Provost at Athabasca University, Canada’s largest open access university and also Board Chair of the Apereo Foundation, the largest open source software foundation in education. I’ve worked in a variety of Higher Education roles in the UK and Canada and have experience in online learning in both campus and distance education contexts. Amongst my many interests are reducing barriers to accessing education; scalable online learning models; open pedagogy and open practices; the use of new technologies and the open web in learning, teaching, and student support; learning analytics and the uses of data in education; and the ethical considerations that go along with all of this! 


I live and play with my 2 cats on the lands of the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc within Secwépemc’ulucw, the traditional and unceded territory of the Secwépemc. This region is also known as part of the interior of British Columbia. I am an uninvited settler but have been made to feel welcome here on this beautiful land, though my heart truly remains in the green spaces of my home in Scotland.

Why I’m in MYFest

Because I’m sick of having our professional development sold to us along with just about everything else in academia. Working with this group or organisers is a rare treat, and just imagining who might come and join us to participate is wildly exciting.
