Photo of Karen Cangialosi, a white woman with glasses, short brown hair, and a huge smile.

Karen Cangialosi

Critical Pedagogy & Social Justice, Guest Facilitator or Speaker

Dr. Karen Cangialosi is the Program Director of the Regional Leaders of Open Education (RLOE), an OE Global/CCCOER network. RLOE is designed to build OE leadership in postsecondary institutions across North America in order to vitalize Open Education initiatives that especially support underserved and marginalized student populations. She is also a co-founder of the Institute for Racially Just, Inclusive, and Open STEM (RIOS) and serves as the RIOS Director of Open Ed and Open Science. She is frequently invited to present and consult about open education in the U.S. and abroad.  A biology professor and fierce student advocate, she incorporates open pedagogy into all her courses, and she leads faculty development efforts in open and critical digital pedagogy. Because she believes that scientific investigation should be transparent, widely collaborative, and designed to serve the public, she advocates for integrating the principles and practices of Open Science into the undergraduate STEM curriculum. She has also been a decades-long street activist and lesbian feminist who has marched, chanted, organized actions, and led many community organizations fighting for women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, anti-racism, and social justice.
