Sukaina Walji

Co-facilitator, Co-organizer, Community-building and Community reflection

I am the Director of the Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching (CILT) at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. I am a researcher and practitioner with interests in learning design, open educational practices, open online courses and unbundled higher education. I’m grappling with how to shape, inform and translate institutional teaching and learning mandates to the on-the-ground experiences of staff and students in equitable and meaningful ways and to foster communities of learning through conversations between different stakeholders in teaching and learning ecosystems. 

I live in Cape Town with my husband, two young adult children and a couple of beautiful cats. 

Why I’m in MYFest

Because I think we need to experiment and engage with models of professional development that allow us to bring in our personal needs and selves unashamedly  (I love the ‘MY’ in MYFest!). I relish the opportunity to reignite passions that have become jaded due to challenges and traumas of the past 2 years.

MYFest involvement: Co-organizer and lead for the Missed Conversations with Curated Keynotes.  
