Critical, Socially Just, and Open Pedagogies in STEM II

Led by Bryan Dewsbury and Karen Cangialosi

When are the sessions?

Session 1: Trust and Power in the STEM Classroom
August 8, 2023 from 1pm-2:15pm EDT, 5-6:15pm UTC, 8-9:15pm Cairo
Session 2: Reframing Equity in STEM Education
August 10, 2023 from 1pm-2:15pm EDT, 5-6:15pm UTC, 8-9:15pm Cairo
Session 3: Towards a Pedagogy of Open Science
August 11, 2023 from 1pm-2:15pm EDT, 5-6:15pm UTC, 8-9:15pm Cairo

What are the pre-readings for each session?

Session 1: Trust and Power in the STEM Classroom

Inclusive and active pedagogies reduce academic outcome gaps by Dewsbury et al. 2022

Session 2: Reframing Equity in STEM Education

Beyond Equity as Inclusion: A Framework of “Rightful Presence” for Guiding Justice-Oriented Studies in Teaching and Learning, Angela Calabrese Barton, Edna Tan May 20, 2020

Session 3: Towards a Pedagogy of Open Science

Dynamics of cumulative advantage and threats to equity in open science: a scoping review by Tony Ross-Hellauer, Stefan Reichmann, Nicki Lisa Cole, Angela Fessl, Thomas Klebel and Nancy Pontika 2022

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