What is MYFest?

Hello 🙂 Welcome, and thank you for your interest in #MYFest23

The “Mid-Year Festival” (MYFest) will be a “recharge and renewal experience” exploring:

  • open educational practices, Artificial Intelligence and digital literacies
  • critical pedagogy and socially just education
  • wellbeing and joy
  • community building and community reflection 

Here is a video some of our facilitators from 2022 created to answer a bunch of frequently asked questions! More FAQs in the text below the video (expand to see the answers)

Click the CC button to see Closed Captions
When & Where?

Equity Unbound will host this open education festival experience virtually throughout June, July & August 2023, co-created with co-organizers from around the globe. We coined it mid-year (rather than denote a season) in order to include educators and learners from both the Southern and Northern hemispheres for whom June-August are either winter or summer months”

How did this come about?

MYFest emerged out of conversations among educators from different parts of the world (Egypt, US, Canada and South Africa – our core team of organizers) identifying a need for a different kind of virtual learning experience in 2022 – one that is equitable, inclusive, and nurturing. MYFest hopes to build community and foster agency, by offering a choose-your-own-pathway learning opportunity that is glocal – i.e. global, yet meeting local needs. 

Who can participate?

Participants in MYFest may include higher education educators, K-12 teachers, educational developers of any kind (including learning/instructional designers/technologists), librarians, informal educators, coaches, facilitators, and open learners everywhere. 


Offerings will be interspersed throughout the three months, with a “buffet approach” (choose sessions that interest you) and “NO FOMO” principle: we will avoid scheduling overlapping events, so you can attend as many as you want within reasonable timezone limits.


Formats include one-off workshops, deep conversations in the style of Virtually Connecting hallway conversations (which try to capture the conference watercooler conversations often had in hallways between sessions), and longer “tracks” where people will work together over several sessions to solidify and build on their learning in community. While some events will be announced as synchronous sessions, there will also be asynchronous material and activities, as well as a curation of artifacts and some video recordings. 

I‘m Interested! How do I join?

The event is a “pay-what-you-can” and “attend-what-you-want”. Stay tuned for this year’s registration details.

I still have questions!

We will be building out FAQs based on any questions you include at the bottom of the expression of interest form, but you could also email us at unboundeq [at] gmail [dot] com. Or leave a comment below.

I have registered, how do I find Zoom links for live sessions?

Three ways to find Zoom registration links!

  • We will be sending weekly emails with Zoom registration links for upcoming sessions
  • The Gdoc you received when you registered has a link to a Google calendar for the month(s) you registered for. When you click that link, you can copy onto your own calendar to easily see the timings of sessions and registration links are being added there as well. If you do not use Google for your calendar, you should still be able to make a copy for Outlook or other calendars
  • The Gdoc you received when you registered will also have a Google sheet with all the links to the months’ sessions, and time converted to 4 timezones (UTC, Cairo, EDT and Sydney).
  • Here is a video that may help with the second two registration options

Looking forward to having you with us in what we hope will be an equitable, emergent, creative, caring community.

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